Here is Jeremy chillin' with his Grandpa. They are best buddies!

Our first main attration was a squirel. We were right outside a monkey exhibit, but the squirel got all the attention. poor monkey....
I wouldn't let the boys pet the squirel, but I did let them pet the goats. They loved it! They weren't scared at all!

Next up were the sting rays! Jeremy wanted nothing to do with them, but Keane was very adventurous! He got up on the side wall with me and put his arm in the water trying to touch the rays. When one finally came up high enough for his little hand to touch it kind of scared him! He pulled his arm out so fast and pushed himself off the wall. But not to worry, about 3 seconds later he wanted back up and touched 2 more rays! This time he was all smiles!
Jeremy's favorite part of the zoo was 'riding' the tractor. I think he must spend too much time with his grandpa.

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