“Well, are you coming?” asks the conductor.
“Where?” I asked.
“Why, to the North Pole, of course,” was his answer.
“This is the Polar Express!”
Last Saturday was our ward's Christmas Party! It was so much fun, the kids loved it and so did we!

The theme, if you couldn't already tell was "The Polar Express."

Here are two of my boys on the train! Jeremy loved, loved, loved it. I had such a hard time getting him out of there. Bryan and I are on the activity committee so they were amoung a select few children allowed behind the scenes.

We even had a conductor take us on a journey through the mountains and snow. You know where he was taking us, don't you?
To see Santa of course!

Here is Riley with Mr. and Mrs. Claus. I think he may be getting to the age where he is too cool for santa. Why, you ask? Well, when we told him to go get in line to see Santa, he replied, "do I have to?" However, I think he is still a believer!

Here is our little Cody and his first visit with Santa. He didn't mind at all, in fact he was so interested in the bell Santa gave him I'm not sure he even noticed I was gone.

This was also Jeremy's first experience with Santa. He was so excited to see him and he wanted to go meet him! But when it was our turn he cried and clung to me. Big surprise for a two year old huh?

Cody and B, having fun! And just in case you haven't figured it out by now, we were in our pjs because that is what you wear when you ride the Polar Express!

Riley and his buddies. It was nice that they paused for one picture. I'm so happy that he has made friends so easily in our new ward.
Jeremy with his doughnut. The best part of the night for him and a fantastic reward for meeting Santa!
Merry Christmas!
What a cute idea! Yesterday was fun. Let's do it again real soon! Maybe the week after Christmas.